We’ve Been sick.

I dread this time of the year. It’s the not the post holidays blues, it’s the sickness blues. I take public transportation so imagine how many sick people germs I come in contact with. I recently heard the most germy places are shopping carts and hand rails of any kind. At the rate that I’m buying sanitizing wipes and hand gel/lotion you would think the company would give me stock. But no matter how much I have tried to avoid it, the sickness has hit my household. First my son and now me. I’m telling you as a mom I know I don’t have time to get sick but being a single mom that does it all my body gets hit that much harder when the bug sinks in. As much as I would like to say I’m taking a sick day and do nothing all day I realize that can’t happen. I try to avoid going to work but sometimes that’s not possible. This time I did take a day off from work but not from life. I had aches in places I did not even know I had. I literally felt like I went to bed with a Tasmanian devil that decided to hit me all night. But of course my aches and pains had to take a back burner to my monkey who since Christmas had been fighting the cold bug that has been going around. He actually started off with phenomena and then that turned into the cold virus. Yeah don’t ask.. you would think it would be the other way around. Now we are on week 4 in January and he still have some phlegm left over that is making its way out and I’m still phlegm-y and coughing as well. From my past experience I would think the cough is always the last to go.

We continue to fight the good fight and avoid anything major. We all had the flu shot, we take our vitamins, we triple wash our hands, and disinfect things we touch in the outside world. How are you staying healthy?? As moms and dads how do you deal with being sick at the same time as your kids? Do you have any tips you swear by when you start to feel that tickle in the back of your throat?

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My 2013 weight loss resolution

My 2013 weight loss resolution.

Hello blog world. The holidays and the end of year has sure side tracked me from not posting anything. I have a ton of drafts but none have made it up here. That will soon change. And I thank everyone that has checked back to see if new stuff has been posted.

After taking a long look at 2012 I realized that many of my goals were not accomplished. My own personal weight loss and organization goals were not completed so those follow me into 2013. What I did accomplish was for my monkey. He started preschool officially and nothing could have made me happier. He has adjusted wonderfully and has blossomed into a great little boy. Yes my baby is growing up and its time I call him my little boy. As much as I want to keep him a tiny baby who I bundle up in my arms he has to grow, learn and flourish.

So here goes I’m starting my resolutions again for myself. First I want to acknowledge that I did not gain any weight but I did not lose any either. I’ve actually maintained the same weight for the last three years. Can we say BABY WEIGHT!!! I find myself extremely jealous of women who just had their babies and the weight just drops off. Grrrrrrr but I digress. I have thought about this long and hard. I can say “I want to lose weight” but until I get my butt up and do something nothing miraculously will happen. So the plan Is to establish a healthy eating plan that fits into my lifestyle. Bag lunches, easy to make dinners and fast but nutritious breakfast along with filling snacks. Once I establish this eating plan I want to start working out. Starting with three days a week and gradually increasing the days as my body changes and my energy level changes. I’m not going to place a time limit on it because that’s just added pressure on me. I know that I don’t want to be in the same place I started when 2014 rolls around. My ultimate goal is to be able to continue running and playing with my monkey.

Have you set up a goal for 2013? How are you planning on reaching your goal? Want to be my weight loss buddy let me know? Follow me on twitter @katiiz95 and my blog for weekly updates.
